Hi Rosapina

Our son was exactly the same. He is now almost 11 years old.
We have had quite a struggle, as many here will know.
All I can say is that you must cherish and nurture your little'un's interests outside of the school environment. The fact is the school system is not geared up - and maybe isn't meant to handle- special kids. Of course it goes without saying that you will support him(her?) as much as you can at home.

The first EP who assessed our boy simply said - and he was employed by the local education authority - that it would be tough in 'primary' school for him, but in High School things would get a lot better. At the time it seemed devastating as he was then a long way from High School. As he approaches that milestone we look forward to him getting the support we know he should have had since he really was a 'little'un'.

So, we stretched him outside school. We fought the teachers and the schools when they were letting him down big style.

Would we have done anything different? I don't know - but you will find lots of help here along the path.

Good luck and best wishes - you're not alone.