Originally Posted by Katelyn'sM om
We thought of home school, but just terrified that I might ended up doing more harm than good for the kiddies. How do you wear both the �mom� and �teacher� hat without jeopardizing the wonderful mother-child relationship we have right now? Also, I am a terrible writer (as evident by these posts) and speller�. How am I suppose to teach them if I can�t even get it right after 40 years of learning the language?

I second this question. This is my biggest fear about home schooling: would I be able to provide an education worthy of my DD's needs?

sounds like you are dealing with a lot right now, and I don't have much advice to give, as I have never dealt with schools as a parent, but as a teacher and a home educator, I can answer this one in two ways. 1) you have all the motivation in the world, so if anyone was going to figure it out, it would be you. and 2) I KNOW the literacy and educational standard of many teachers, and it's pretty abysmal. Sad, but true.