Originally Posted by Mag
We thought of home school, but just terrified that I might ended up doing more harm than good for the kiddies. How do you wear both the �mom� and �teacher� hat without jeopardizing the wonderful mother-child relationship we have right now?

We fell into homeschooling after 2 years of public school. My kid was never happy in PS, so I really knew we had to make a change. But I don't think it's possible to do "harm" to your kids! Especially at this age. I consider myself more a facilitator than an actual teacher. And I don't strive to race them through curriculum and have them spend hours and hours a day at a table. I like them to be faced with challenge on a regular basis. But they aren't challenged constantly by all their curriculum. By being more laid back, they have time to read, explore, experiment, or create on their own. If you don't want to homeschool, by all means don't. But I just wanted to say that you could probably pull your child out of school for a few years do nothing except visit your library and explore and they'd still be fine.

I didn't see any problems with your spelling or writing BTW! smile