When I was 15, I went on a cruise with a friend's family. During the course of this cruise, a 23-year-old man decided he was in love with me. Why? Because of my intellectual maturity. That I could hold up conversations with him that very few people could. He tried to call me once I left the ship quite a few times, and my parents put their foot down. And, I am glad they did. I was not ready, emotionally, for things a 23 year old man wanted (not just talking physical intimacy). And to be honest, it shook me up long-term. I lost a lot of the confidence I'd once had about being able to handle all situations. I got nervous about flirting, because I didn't intend to have a man that age think that way about me.

I know 15 is not 16. And I am actually ok with even the idea of a 21 year old dating a 26 year old, lets say. But, I do think there are huge leaps in reality in those teenage years. And, I think a young man can be confused and flattered by having an older woman attracted to him. I agree with many people who say this is a subject to tread carefully on, but I wanted to give the perspective of someone who was in a similar situation.