I'm looking to meet intelligent people, not pseudo-intellectual moon-bats who have never picked up a history book but instead think that simply making shocking statements and outrageous claims amounts to intelligence. Sorry if I come off as harsh but when people start promoting Marxism as the obvious end all beat all it's time for me to look for the door.

Personally, I don't like to surround myself with people who make such crude judgements by just looking. Judging a book by its cover? I don't know you, obviously this is my own judgement, as we are all guilty of it from time to time, but I would have a hard time finding a reason to get to know you if you are going to put down anyone that doesn't believe as you do. And maybe that is part of the problem. If you make a judgement up front, you're not allowing yourself to get to know someone who you may actually get along with quite well. It's one thing to disagree and to decide not to join a forum because you don't believe as the group seems to, but the name calling is not more than shallow.

For the record, I'm not a Marxist, nor am I a member of any of those boards. I am, however, a gifted adult.