no5no5 I'm fairly certain at this point you are just finding subtle ways of insulting me.

No, I would not fit in there. Thomas Sowell just wrote a new book about Intellectuals in which he discusses how many intellectuals who can not produce anything of value instead make all kinds of outlandish, shocking claims in order to gain notoriety. He points out that the ivory tower insulates them from any personal responsibility with regard to the outcome of their ideas and that their ideas largely go unchallenged because they in an environment in which everyone thinks as they do.

It seems to me that the more outrageous the claim, the more likely a bunch of self proclaimed geniuses and pseudo-intellectual frauds will mistake it for intelligence.

I believe the old saying is, "if you can't impress them with brilliance, baffle them with bull****."

Nope, sorry but that isn't me. I'm smart enough to humble myself with regard to the true genius of the great thinkers of the past.