If that's your line in the sand, that's fine. It seems like a small deal to me, but we all have our own standards. I'm just saying that if you meet someone and immediately judge them as being not worth wasting even a minute on, that strikes me as a problem. I recently made a new friend who has as a fundamental belief something that I find to be absolutely abhorrent. I put it aside for the sake of civility (because she is a close neighbor), and found that we have lots of other things in common and enjoy each others' company a good deal. If we were to talk about her belief...well, I probably could not remain civil and I'm sure it would mean the end of our friendship. And I could feel superior and enlightened and intelligent about it and put all of the blame on her, but in the end both of us would be missing out.

I'm not trying to attack you, but since it seems like you are seeking help making friends and understanding why that is an issue for you, I think it is only right to point out attitudes that you seem to have that could be contributing.