It sounds like it is a new habit formed from perhaps boredom? Hand flapping marked as a red flag is usually witnessed in toddlers and since you have seen no other signs I really wouldn't worry about it. Just bring it up at your DD's next appointment.

Sounds like you have had an action packed summer. The camping trip on the beach with wild horses sounds amazing.

Ours has been rearranged a few times. We planned a few vacations which included camping but those didn't pan out due to the Gulf oil spill. DD goes to school year round so we don't have summer camps scheduled beyond her school and a swim lesson once a week. But we are definitely taking advantage of our weekends. DH bought a boat or I should say DH and DD bought a boat since she has made it abundantly clear that it's her boat. Might as well be since she picked it and named it. DD, who for the most part is a girlie girl, loves exploring the lake. She likes to fish ... okay, she likes to play with the worms while her Daddy fishes and she loves to jump off the boat and swim around in the lake which is my favorite activity too.