Summer is flying by - only another 4 weeks and school starts again - crazy !! We had a busy start to vacation back in May - we spent 10 days at Disney World, which was wonderful

Since then, back to the usual - I run a daycare, so ds7 is home with me all the time - which to start with was hard work, but once we got into the routine, it's been fine

I've been trying to have him do a little school work each day (meaning about 20 minutes math/reading), but some days we somehow manage to skip it all. Not too worried about it though

He started playing summer soccer last week (3 games a week, for 3 weeks) - he LOVES soccer, and scored 12 goals one game last week, so is having a blast ! Other than that, we try and get out and about at the weekends - zoo, pool etc - and in a few weeks he's going camping with dh and scouts - which should be fun. I really must buy a tent !

Back to school Aug 16th - then Labor day weekend we're heading to the Black Hills for a long weekend, which we're looking forward to