AGAIN, THANKS SO MUCH for all the great comments and advice.

@Taminy-- I will definitely use the article on group testing and your advice on how to approach the teachers/directors. I made the decision to appeal the decision.

Also, in reading other posts and such I don't think my son is a high achiever because he really doesn't care to do what he's supposed to. It's more about acquiring "new" material for him.
I'm worried that will be a problem for him in the later years. Doing what is required is fine and he'll do it well but then he doesn't want to do what's extra--or practice anything. His bright friend/classmate is always bringing home extra homework to do. When I ask my son he says, "we don't have to do it..only if we want to." To him those homework sheets are considered "practice" which he hates to do. When I ask him to "practice" or show me what he learned..he says, "but I already know it-- why do I have to practice?" Is that normal or is he just lazy?

I know the example that Taminy gave for her DS and less exposure to some material was a factor for my son in taking the test. I think that's why he was able to pass the OLSAT the 2nd time around without any prep or practice ( I still have no idea what kind of questions are on that exam). I'm hoping the same will happen if they allow him to retest on the COGAT. Best case they'll totally agree with my appeal and just allow him into the program!! HAHA-- wishful thinking!!! Wish me luck!!