Originally Posted by Durentu
Dave Thomas of Wendy's fast food created his success without a high school diploma.

The lack of a high school diploma isn't proof that a person isn't intelligent. It's only proof that a person didn't get a high school diploma.

Originally Posted by Durentu
After these foundations of success are in place, natural intelligence is a huge leverage. It's along the same lines as natural athletic ability.

Hmm. A lot of your message didn't make much sense to me. For example, I don't get this point at all.

Research has shown time and again that intelligence is the single most important predictor of success at almost anything. For example, the Armed Forces use an IQ test for recruits and places people by their scores. Even the NFL gives an IQ test called the Wonderlic test.

Originally Posted by Durentu
A person with high IQ who stops learning after college will be quickly surpassed by a retard who persists in learning. Hard work and neuroplasticity generally take over. It's also interesting to note that neuroscience has determined that emotion is the activating agent for brain optimization and for strong memory. (the brain geeks out there can reference the BDNF gene)

Okay...there's so much garbage in here, there's not much point in even trying to point out the misconceptions and outright false statements. Plus, the use of the word "retard" here is of dubious value at best.

Think I'll go plasticate my brain now; my BDNF needs polishing.
