Originally Posted by Maelyn
Does anyone have ANY ideas on what else we can try??? We are desperate.

One idea is to look into the local private schools and see if there are any that can teach to his strengths while supporting his bottlenecks. Perhaps the school can pay for it if they say they can't provide him an appropriate education, or Financial Aid?

Another idea is to get him a Mentor who can meet with him outside of school to work together in his extra-strong area of visual-spacial.

Another idea is the book: Re-Forming Gifted Education, which lists many suggestions for enrichment.

You didn't say if the rest of the family is also getting therapy/support, but if not, then it seems that 'putting on one's Oxygen mask first' is a good idea.

Idea: keep venting here about all the specifics of what he enjoys - perhaps someone else will know of more resources to throw his way.

Idea: join the state or local gifted association and see if there are summer or saturday enrichment class offered within driving distance.

Idea: Keep meeting with the school and complimenting every effort they make in his direction. Keep giving them strong praise for how they inspired your son to learn about X.

Idea: keep looking for extracurricular activities that your son will do that will put him in touch with 'peers.' Some of your son's peers will be his age, some will be older kids, some will be adults.

Love and More Love,

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