We are at our wits end and have no idea what to do next.

DS (#2) is 10 years old and currently in 6th grade. The various tests that have been done over the course of the last 5 years by everyone from the school to the local (well respected) children's neuropsychology department have given us some insights into him. And he is under IEP with the school he's at.

He has a very very developed visual spacial learning style (normed against kids 4-6 years older than he is, he is at the 99.9%). His verbal/language skills are significantly below that (normed against the same age group 10 years his seniors he's in the 76%). Leaving us with a functional "learning disability". However, his composite IQ scores (depending on which test set is used) still max him out as high IQ or "gifted" and his individual scores in verbal also place him as "gifted". So the school refuses to see the delta as a "deficit or account for it.

On top of his giftedness, he is also Obsessive Compulsive (OCD), Sensory Processing Disorder(SPD - Hyper sensitive in 5 of 6 senses), and Mood Disorder NOS (suspected bipolar).
He's a "behavior problem" in school for so many reasons. Not the lease of which is the combination of all the above mental issues.

We have no idea what to do with this child when it comes to school. He is in the charter school recommended as the CAP program locally. When he is interested in something he goes well beyond the teacher in minutes or hours... when he is not interested in the topic he is a behavior problem that has required a full time aide to deal with him. Going beyone refusal to work.

He is clinically depressed and in therapy. Homeschooling is NOT an option for more reasons than I care to go into.

Does anyone have ANY ideas on what else we can try??? We are desperate.