Originally Posted by Wyldkat
The reason we started the class was because we knew Bear would have to function in groups eventually and this was about the gentlest introduction we could come up with. Add to that the fact he is very musical I still think it's a good thing for him. He likes the classes for the most part while he's there, just the movement parts throw him. He's gotten SO much better since we started last year. We almost quit the first after the first session we did. He wouldn't take his shoes off or let go of me for the entire session.

It just hurts me that he has such a strong reaction to other people at such a young age. We've done everything we can to help him be comfortable with people.

I feel for you: DS has very minor social troubles by comparison, and that's hard enough.

I just wonder, did you think about a Suzuki violin class? If you think he's likely to have long-term difficulty with groups and finding friends at school, I would suggest nudging him towards an orchestral instrument, or voice, in due course - school and university orchestras and choirs are IME a great way to spend time with people without a lot of the stuff that makes that stressful, and it can make all the difference.

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