We are using MCT too and started this year with 3rd grade. It has been wonderful. It's the only curriculum that I've bought and used that I can recommend wholeheartedly for HG-PG kids. It's very fun, but with lots of content and open ended exercises. I had a former jr. high english teacher look at my island level last year and said it was presenting 7th to 8th grade level material. It's also not a big time crunch to get through it unless we want it to be.
I got the Town level of MCT in the mail last week and wow, can't wait to dig in this fall! Big leaps.
We started homeschooling last year in 2nd grade, and I bought very little too that first year. I've really had the time to pick and choose stuff I thought would be good. Singapore math has been great for us too. We're starting algebra very soon in these parts.
Welcome to homeschooling!

It does feel a little crazy making this choice. But it's been wonderful for both my kids. They are doing great.