Thanks everyone for nice welcoming words into the homeschooling life.
I think that homeschooling is the right choice. We have always done it (DS has never been to school prior to this year's experience). I would say that he is more of an introvert. He likes to spend time on his own, vs. crowds of people. (He does not like summer camps, or any other organized activities.)
Dazed, I know that the school sounds pretty awesome. I have to say, that it is great, but maybe it sounds a little better than it really is. For example, I have found out, that the pull out 3rd math is a "math enrichment" which is more of solving puzzles, gizmos and other enriching activities among a group of gifted children. He did not have any formal math instruction, because this pull out is in time of the regular math. (I know, that the math would be boring for him anyway, but the enrichment alone is not substituting his hunger for learning math.)
However, because I spend a lot of time volunteering at the school to teach Kindergarteners basics of chess, they offered DS to keep coming back next year once a week for his gifted enrichment (at the time when I would volunteer in K classrooms).
So I think that this would work out nicely.
Kriston, I know that you always make this suggestion not to buy too much stuff at the beginning (I have been reading on previous homeschooling posts). It is hard to do! However I do see that there is so much out there for free on the internet and in libraries.
I am not buying anything for science (since that is my son's strongest part) and as he tends go all over the place with various topics. I would keep this flexible, and look up resources as his interests would arise.
I do feel that I need to find at least some guideline for language art (grammar) and math (possibly a math curriculum). English is not my first language, and I am lacking a lot of specific vocabulary. I am expecting this to be a learning journey for me as well. LOL
I will need to work on planning some me time. That is a good point.
Thanks Shari for the netflix recommendation, we just recently joined and I have not explored the possibilities there.
I also like your "idea trap". Thank you for sharing that with me.
I, my self and my son can be very spontaneous with different topics. And we never know where we will end up. Everything usually involves ton of research.
Thanks everybody for recommending cosmology resources, I will check them out.
I am trying to build a good library with some dictionary, thesaurus, some reference books and so forth. Also some books on character building. Is there anything you could recommend?