Welcome to homeschooling, Niki!
The best piece of advice I got was to buy little-to-nothing that first year because most of what you buy will be wrong for your child. Save yourself time, money and frustration and ease into it with free or at least cheap materials until you find your feet. I tell this advice to everyone, and inevitably people who ignore it come back after the first year and say they wish they had followed it. We relied heavily on the library our first year. Free! And it gave me a wide variety of materials to try out. Now that I have a better idea about my DS8's learning style and how we work together, I am a good shopper. That first year? I wouldn't have been!
Oh, and tell your husband to leave you alone because the Internet is a GREAT way to find free or cheap materials!

The other thing that I wish I had been told before I started homeschooling is that it is vital to get time away from the kids. Be sure you take care of your own needs or you will be no good to your child. Trade babysitting time with a friend, find classes at the YMCA or museum or something that will allow you to drop him off and read a book or talk to adults or stare at a wall. Hire a mother's helper or babysitter. Whatever works for your schedule and budget, but make sure your needs are met somehow!
Ask questions if you have them! We're a friendly group.