Happily, my son was one of the children just accepted into the DYS program this month. I was not sure what to think - would he get in or no? Each one of us here have gifted children that are deserving. So many Moms have written of their children's acomplishments, their levels of giftedness were so astounding that I was truly disappointed when I read a few of the kids had not been accepted. (I had not heard of our status yet), but I knew - even as I sent my application in and waited (and maybe you did too)- that we would continue to try if not successful the first time around. Fall six times, stand seven. You know, that Old Chinese proverb. Nothing pays off more than perseverence. And I expected and was preparing myself to maybe go that route as well. So, although I feel blessed at the moment, I just encourage everyone out there who did not receive this wonderful news this time to begin anew and keep your attitude positive. It will pay off, one way or another.