Originally Posted by Grinity
((Hugs)) Mia! ((Hugs)) acs! ((Hugs)) Mom2LA ((Hugs)) to Questions, ((Hugs))Zia's Mom, ((Hugs)) to you if you need them and appologies to you if I've left out your name - please forgive, ok? If possible, check in here with your name so I can give you an individual hug, OK?

acs - I'm so glad you feel your needs are being met here. I guess nothing can replace the gathering, but there are other gifted conferences to attend, and I have heard wonderful things about the www.giftedconferenceplanners.org/ "Beyond IQ" conferences.

So Yes Yes Yes - Your Child is "That" Gifted. Anyone who is applying for the YSP is most likely dealing with a child who is "1 out of 500" at school. There do exist a few districts where the child would be 1-100 or 1-50, but these are quite rare. So if you hear that they are unusual at school - believe it - even though in your extended families, friendship or work circles they may be only 1 in 50. 1 in 50 is still a pain in the neck when you are looking for parenting advice!
hi Grinity,
Thanks for the hugs. It is really the mood that you set here that has created a place that has been so helpful for me. So thanks for keeping the board active and supportive. Dottie too. I appreciate it so much.

I would disagree, though, a bit with the numbers. That is where I have struggled a bit. I thought at first that because we got the little letter that my DS could not be 1:1000 or one in 50000 or whatever DYS is tryiing to take. But after reading about testing limitations it is clear to me that a kid can be very rare, what DYS is looking for, but not have the evidence to prove it. I know that DS is pretty rare and way rarer than 1 in 500. We did not make the case well last time we applied and we may never make the case and that is OK. But I now trust my mom instincts and no longer need DYS to prove it. I know that there are others who are in the same boat (for 2E reasons, flukes of testing, not being able to affort the right tests, etc) who have kids that could be in DYS, but aren't ever going to make the cut-offs. That is OK. As I've said, i don't envy DYS for making those decisions and I think they are doing a good job. But all they see is some papers we send them; we know our kids so much better.