Thanks for all the condolences! Like I said, I'm not really surprised; his near-cut-off 148 was FSIQ -- his PIQ and VIQ were "only" 99.8, and his PSIQ (like many gifted kids) was only high average at 119. His PIQ and VIQ, while both extremely high, wouldn't necessarily put him in that top .01 percent individually -- not the very highest in either.

His milestone list isn't that impressive except for his reading; I think I focused on some of the wrong things on the essay questions; and he didn't really make the score requirements. So even though he's certainly unusual and impressive in his own right, he's not necessarily the very tippity-top of the heap. He's that layer smooshed below it.

So really, he didn't make the qualifications at all and I'm not terribly surprised -- nor really disappointed. I hoped his ceilings would make a difference, and his much higher-than-expected WIAT would help ... but I can see where they're coming from. So alas, I'll soldier on. smile

And to be perfectly honest (this sounds terrible but it's true), I think I would have thought *less* of the Davidson Institute if they *had* let him in! shocked He's brilliant to be sure, but not the very very brightest.

Very well said, Grinity, and I agree! I think since I've sort of "found my feet" with the school (I hope; at least I *feel* a little more confident) and since I wasn't really banking on an acceptance anyway, I'll be able to get past the "not that gifted" phase quick. Of course, it's there, lurking its ugly head ... but I'm squelching it, because I know it's not true. He started subtracting into negative numbers on his own yesterday!
