Originally Posted by BonusMom
Am I the only one who doesn't back away from these conversations? The way I see it, giftedness needs to come out of the closet, and the more people get used to hearing (and not fearing) the word, the more progress we will make.

Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!! I see WAY too much of the "keep your head down" approach in parents of gifted kids, and I always say to them, how can we possibly convince these kids it's a good thing, not something to hide or be ashamed of, if we act like we're afraid to talk about it?? It's not always so much a matter of using the "G-word" (though I think it can only help to increase awareness of what giftedness is), just of being honest when you're dealing with a child who is highly intelligent and has perfectly legitimate special needs because of that.