(DS23 month's nickname is "Professor Lucas" because if you ask him, he is an expert on EVERYTHING)

Lucas has decided he's had enough of these stupid diapers and he's not going to use them any more. So we've provided him with a viable alternative (aka the potty) but he's still not convinced thats the way he wants to go...

Right now I have a small child running around my upstairs naked except for his slippers - which is very entertaining but I fear for my carpets!!

So far he seems to understand the concept of the potty but just can't 'go' while sitting on it. He also did this last Wednesday, spent an entire day naked, held it in ALL day, until his dad came home & he forgot what he was doing and peed EVERYWHERE (okay - it was just DOWN my stairs... but that was not fun to clean up!).

Any suggestions?

Of course I've tried, reading & singing with him on the potty when I think he had to go; but the moment when he's about to Go he just sort of panics, leaps off the potty & runs away then holds it in again.

I'd love to stick his diaper back on but I'm not into chasing him around the house with him, then tackling him just to have him take it off again in 30 seconds. If he does poop on my floor I will consider duct tape...

Forgot to add: one of the problems is that he likes to go when he's by himself. So if he's got a diaper on he will go sit quietly in the corner by himself to do it. I'm completely torn between staying beside him on the potty (which he seems to like & causes him to actually stay there) and sitting in the next room sort of peaking around the corner and hoping.

Last edited by Nes; 04/08/10 08:24 AM.