We've done EC with DD from a young age so our approach is a little different but here's some ways we got her used to the potty. She's not completely potty trained now but does normally almost always go when we take her (although, I'm pretty lazy about taking her some days, so I think it's pretty much my fault that she's not fully potty trained).

First off, we started at times when she had to pee (and wasn't awake enough to protest). So right after naps and in the morning the second she wakes up from bed. Sometimes even in the middle of the night if she wakes up too. Once she did it once she was pretty good about doing it again and now pees every time she wakes up.

One thing my parents did for me was buy me one of those peeing dolls so that I saw her go to the potty every time and apparently I got upset because my doll could do it and I couldn't so I potty trained myself in that way.

Also, do you take him when you go to the bathroom? That seems to also help DD, she seems more motivated then. It sucks not to have any privacy but I figure it's a small price to pay not to have to change extra diapers!

Oh, and about poop. We just really watched for DD's poop face in the beginning and would catch her in the act and run her to the potty. It's hard to stop once you've already started! Eventually she got the idea and would start asking to go when she had to poop.