He's pretty light (25lbs! He's a skinny-winny!), I bet I could put my hands under his thigh. I'm a little scared though... lol. I think he'd like that & we'll try tomorrow.

He's the sort of little guy who doesn't like to use "little guy" stuff. This grandparents were shocked at 10 months when I'd put away all the "baby spoons" so he could have an adult one - because he refused to use the baby spoons!! I bet if I held him on the 'big boy' toilet we may well have more luck.

He already loves to flush the toilet & will tell the contents "See you Later, Got to Go!" (at which point I die laughing; every time...)

He eventually gave up today & brought me his diaper & a pair of pants. Poor little man, he wants to go so bad but just can't seem to get it right :\.

The ping-pong ball is a good idea - but we already had an incident a few months ago of attempting to flush a tennis ball & almost ruining our plumbing system... . I don't think I want to encourage that any more! laugh

Lucas fills my life with entertainment if nothing else smile.

Thanks for the support guys, we've been potty training on & off since 13 months, just trying to find a way to work together to make it work smile.