Some days I'm ok, some days I just want to crawl in a cave and make it go away. This is my sweet little man who has always struggled through no fault of his own. I've always had major guilt over accepting an induction when I knew in the back of my mind it wasn't quite time but I was showing the beginning signs of preeclampsia, and the induction went wrong. What would he be like if I had just let things happen naturally?
Hi and welcome,
I haven't had your experiences but I understand the guilt issues and I think it is something that mothers are very good at in so many aspects of their children's lives.
We all have 20/20 vision in hindsight and that makes it very difficult at times to accept the decisions we made based on the information we had at that point in time. It is especially difficult when it relates to medical issues because you are so reliant on the expertise of others and that can make you feel quite powerless. I can certainly relate to the what if's as it is something I do frequently if not daily in regards to my daughter. What if they had diagnosed her earlier, what if she had had more tests, what if I had read and researched more, what caused it in the first place, well you know what I mean.
I don't imagine that aspect of my life is going to disappear or fade away any time soon (if ever!lol). The most important thing is to focus on the here and now and take each day at a time. I'm sure that is what you are doing and I know it's hard but just remember we are here for you.