Artana, All of DSs life has been behaviors that get worse before they get better haha! I really don't think it is work challenge, but social. I'm hoping more work will give him less time to worry about social...but I don't know.

Vicam, Kids ARE setting him up...not so much on purpose, but the other kids jostle each other and whisper behind the teachers back. My son tries it (right in front of the teacher) and gets in trouble. He "talks back" to the teacher saying, "Well, so-and-so did it!" So he is in trouble for fooling around AND being a smart-ass.

My husband and I have been able to observe son acts the way he is going to act whether we are in the room or not. Amazingly, so do the other kids. We have witnessed the other kids subtle misbehaviors that go un-noticed and our son's glaring acting out that gets him in trouble. We have specifically told him NOT to do those things even if every kid in the class is doing it.

Also, the little things he does and gets caught at are not the problem, it is his extreme over-reaction. He feels like the teacher is picking on him (she just doesn't see the other kids) and he is such a perfectionist that he hates getting reprimanded so it turns into a major meltdown. Other kids would shrug it off and quit what they are doing...DS argues and gets into more trouble.