He has had behavior problems recently in school...disrupting the class, shouting out answers, and throwing things...whereas before he would squirm in his seat, yet raise his hand to answer.
What do you think has caused this difference in behavior? Is it that something within the classroom has changed? Something at home has changed? Nothing at school has changed which means he's getting tired of not being challenged?
If you think it's because he's sick of not being challenged, I would absolutely pursue an acceleration. From my understanding, although some autism-related behaviors can get better with work, your son will continue to have some less-than-ideal reactions to some situations. So, waiting until his behavior in the classroom is perfect isn't really an option (nor is it for any child, actually). I definitely think lack of challenge can cause any child to behave inappropriately, and engaging his mind on academic matters may well lead to fewer problems with behavior. [Says me, who is, so far unsuccessfully, trying to get her DS's teacher to see lack of challenge as the reason for antsiness and frustration!]