MNMom, As I said in the reply above, the problem behaviors start in art and PE, but WHY starting now? My opinion is that he has 4 months under his belt of a new social skills group and he is trying out his new skills of saying hi, starting and continuing conversations, etc. They sometimes work, sometimes don't and it is VERY stressful for him. He tells me over and over that "PALS" is so hard, he doesn't like it, and why does he have to do it? PALS stands for pragmatic acquisition of language skills and for him it IS extremely hard, but he's using his new skills out in the real world and I'm so proud! For him, having to josh around in PE and art like the other kids do is hard. Taking tests is what he likes to do best...trying to "wing it" with the kids is so difficult and a major trigger. Nan