Originally Posted by Angnix
Nan, I wouldn't guarantee that something that worked for me would work for you, but you can print it out if you want to.

More advice, don't ever say something to a kid about how they are not normal. Say they are different and that's great, especially saying their giftedness is great. But please just don't use the words not normal or abnormal, those hurt a lot for some reason. I even hear as an adult stuff like "I thought you were a normal person when I first got to know you, but later on I started to suspect you had some sort of mental disorder" and yes, that is a direct quote I got from someone a

Thanks Angnix...The suggestions you mention DO work for my son but the school doesn't use them.

About "not normal" I wish people would not use that also. Being different is so cool and interesting, I emphasize that to my son often. He has "superpower hearing" and he sees cool details that no one else sees. But he still wishes he were not "in autism." Anyway, thank you so much for your insight. I love it!!!! Nan