Thanks Ania!

I love lists.
Actually, compared to the changes that have gone before, I'm not 'that' gut wrenched. I'm thinking more like we have two good options and isn't that nice. The public school happens to have an Algebra I for a few of the 8th graders, and there is French for him to move into.

I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the very weirdness of leaving a school one year before the normal transition. I don't want him to have spent two years cultivating social relationships that are about to flower, and then missing the glory. I spoke this idea to DS this morning in the car ride.

He didn't actually quote Spock, raise his eyebrow, and say 'Indeed, Capitan?' but he make it clear that his odds were unlikely.

As for the school accepting him back a few weeks into the school year - I wish I had the belief that that would happen. This school has a waiting list! I'm even worried that if we don't make the deposit and sign the contract in February that the rest of the year will be 'cold shoulder' from the teachers, who have really given 110%.

I do love love love the tight discipline of the private school, really helped DS, although I think he's got the hang of it now.

Lots to ponder,

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