Hmm. So he'd be going back to public high school either way, right?

There are some variables here that I'm curious about.

Do kids from the private middle school tend to go on to the public high school? Does your ds have a group of friends in the public school that you think would stick around for high school, with an enormous new peer base to choose from? Or are they kind of "situational friends" (that's the sort I had in middle school), who you're friends with because they're the best available?

My first thought is to say that, if a number of the private schoolers go on to the public high school, I'd probably make him stay in the private school. He'll be going into high school with an entirely new peer group anyway -- his old classmates wouldn't be there for another year, so he'd be starting fresh with high school if he went back to public school before then.

I think going back could be hard socially, yes -- as if your ds "got around the rules" by going somewhere they let him skip (I know that wasn't your intention, but it would be the way it appeared to outsiders). Teacher and administrators might not like that and, horrible as it sounds, take it out on your ds.

Of course, I might be completely wrong and it might go fine -- there may be no backlash from that. I'd just be wary. Are the fourth grade and the sixth/seventh grades in the same building? If so, I almost certainly wouldn't do it, because at least around here, the school administrators have long memories, and I don't think they'd take kindly to getting back a kid who they'd refused to accelerate, but accelerated a year! :-)

Last edited by Mia; 01/10/08 03:59 PM. Reason: Edited for typos!
