I just started homeschooling part-time TODAY! I pick him up at 1:30 so he misses the last 2 hours of K at school. I considered doing a few afternoons a week but I felt it would be too confusing to have him there some days and not others so I decided to do every afternoon for the sake of consistency. So I just need to cover math/science/social studies. But it is K which isn't even required in Iowa so we can really do whatever we want which is great - that means lots of science experiments, field trips and studying the human body, multiplication and whatever else he loves at the moment.
In hindsight, I really wish they had a half-day K program here because that's what we really needed from the beginning of the year and it's taken me this long to get the courage to do something about it. The school isn't very excited about what I am doing saying that they are worried he won't be ready socially for 1st grade. What is it about us needing to socialize our kids so they can handle school? It seems more about learning how to be in school than learning. I suppose that is necessary with the large number of kids in the classroom.
Polly - Good luck with your decision!