We go to a public school, that IS a homeschooling program. These schools are opening all over the country and are so awesome! We love it here is a link. http://www.cvchs.org/
On the website It all talks about Highschool for some reason but they also do elementry school.
So What happens is we homeschool through this public schools program. They provide us with all his books and work, free. They adapt it to him. For example my 5 year old DS is doing all first grade work. His head teacher says she'd like to test him again soon to see where he his now so we can continue to adapt is work to HIS needs. On top of his homeschool work, they also offer optional classes at the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 to 12:00. He has 2 other kids in his class that he loves. and 3 different teachers for his different subjects there: Math, English, and Science on Tuesdays, PE, Art, and a Writing photography class on Thursdays. They also offer karate for 6-12th graders.

At the end of each section (month really) we have to turn in his work. And our head teacher asks him some questions to make sure he understands the material. They don't check for every assignment, but that it looks like the did a good amount of work. So if i think an assignment looks stupid or too easy. I can just do something else. Or do an assignment in a more fun way. I love that we can homeschool and he can go to school and have such a fun time with his friends. His classes are small. But they do get bigger, and the school is new. The teacher said the classees will never be bigger than 10 or so kids. I recommend looking into this in your area, they might be hard to find, they don't advertise so well in my opinion.