Hang in there. I am already learning tha I need to have a really thick skin in order to raise a highly gifted child. DD is already reading some (between a end of K- mid 1st grade level) and according to placement tests is in 1st semseter 1st grade math, and she won't be 3 till March. Every school in our area refuses to even consider early entrence including the privae schools. So that leaves DD being 5.5 when she is supposed to start K, and here they do a letter a week to. DD would go insane now dealing with that, much less in 2 and a half years. I can't imagine how horrible it would be for her.

The socilization stuff unerves me, as dd actually gets along better and is more comfortable, and more herself when interacing with kids who are currently in K and 1st grade. When with groups of kids her age she gets very quite and introverted, which is not her at all, and simply watces puzzled. And then when she does go up and try to talk and play usually it ends up with one of the other kids in tears. Not because dd is mean, but because she tends to scare them. They are sill parellel playing and get quite frightened by her games she wants to play with them. DD gets very frusteraed and upset and says "I was just trying to play with them. Why won't they play with me?" It actually hurts me to watch.

Right now we are working on first grade math workbooks when DD wants. She asks, I never push, but somedays she will sit and do 10 pages in a sitting. I have already been hearing from others those responses that I am puhing her, hothousing etc. Shrug. I know I am not, I know my daughter, and others who spend a great deal of time with her see it as well, so I am trying, but it takes awhile for that skin to thicken. Hang in there.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.