my recently turned 4 year old will be tested in 2 weeks for early entrance to k. we are excited about the possibility of him starting school in the fall at 4 1/2. we do not think this is too young, or that he is too young. he is currently reading at a first grade our only hesitation is that even k will be too easy for him (our district is full day, they do one letter a week and do not teach reading until the VERY end.)

but people, including people in the gifted dept at our district, keep telling us that MANY parents are holding their kids back a year, the opposite of what we want to do, and that it may not be good for my 4 1/2 year old to be in a class of kids that are 6 turning 7. bug.since when is it ok to encourage parents to red shirt kids to help them excel in sports, but discourage parents from putting their child in a situation where they will actually grow and help them excel in academics?

how would you respond to those who say starting kids one year early is not good for them? (fwiw...our son misses the deadline to start school this fall by 3 months and he is big for his age.)