Good luck!

I didn't realize that dd#1 was unusually bright when she started K, but I saw no reason not to start her b/c she didn't seem not ready. She did make the cut-off, but by a matter of days. The then-principal at our neighborhood school also strongly encouraged me to hold her out a year. If I recall correctly, her words were, "the younger students invariably fail" followed by some doomsday speech about how I may not see how bad of a choice it was immediately, but she would fall further and further behind every year b/c she was so much younger.

Not only did she not fall further and further behind, she quickly rose to the top and skipped a grade. Now she's an 11 y/o 7th grader and doing great.

I've given up on the concept of convincing people who are set in their opinions of the wrongness of those opinions. I'm settling for doing my best to meet my individual children's needs and tuning out the rest of the chatter.

When will you get your answer as to whether they will let him start in the fall?