Take a deep breathe. We cannot worry about years in the future and still live in the moment. All of this is alot for a child to handle as well as any adult. i agree with some earlier postings about therepy or finding someone to talk too. Both for him and you. We all need a place to vent and release where we are not trying to protect the listener. If he can't continue with this theater group find another. There are always modifications that creative minds can come up with. Instead of he cant't do this motion what can he still do and do his best at. He was improving before and will continue to improve. Have faith in him and yourself to get through and find solutions. Communicate with the other adults in his sphere and find out what they think. The theater issues may be a non issue for the director or simply a challange to work around.

Finding a way to deal with "Onus" may be a journal or jokes, drawings, some form of physical expression. let your son decide. He is an entertainer/performer. Use these feelings as a source of comedy.