Thanks so much for your perspective Grinity. It is so hard to decide when to save money and when to decide that it's worth it :-)
It is really tough -
Do you see any 'discorrdination' or 'LD' in day to day life? Is she normally physically active? Do her weaknesses interfere with her daily life.
I'm a bit skeptical of the 15 points = LD rule when applied to kids with scores in the 3rd DS. It's the old 'association/causation' question.
Here's the main points I'm getting:
1) Will the gifted school accept your dd with the scores she has (getting the idex that leaves out the Processing speed and WM?)
2) If they won't: At what age does DD4 have to get a score so she will be allowed to go to ODD's school?
3) At that age, when you get the WISC IV, make sure to go to someone who is really getting PG kids, so you can get 'real' advice about if DD4 has a LD.
4) In the meantime, consentrate on the handwritting and hand strenth in a 'balanced push' way. I picture it as the Mom standing behind the kid, with one hand pushing from the back, and another hand bracing in front so the kid doesn't bust any metaphorical teeth.
Love and More Love,