I have not asked for help from you guys in over six months, which is awesome since it is because DD9 is doing wonderfully at her new GT school.

However, DD4 was recently tested for the first time using WPPSI III, and we got the results today:
Subtest Raw Score Scaled Score
Block Design 24 14
Information 29 18
Matrix Reasoning 13 13
Vocabulary 28 17
Picture Concept 17 16
(Symbol Search) 7 11
Word Reasoning 24 18
Coding 19 13

Verbal IQ = 147
Perf. IQ = 127
Pr. Spd. IQ = 110
FSIQ = 139

My first question is regarding the discrepancy between the Verbal, Performance, and Pr. Spd. IQs. I thought I remembered reading that if there is a point difference of more than 15 points, it could mean an LD or something. Should we be concerned about the point difference?

Secondly, what does matrix reasoning mean?

And third, the Child Psych. suggested that we do some OT since the tester says DD4 hold a pencil in a strange way, which could have impacted her Processing speed. To apply for the GT school that ODD is in, we need a 140 FSIQ minimum. Do any of you have experience where OT really made a difference? This will be an out-of-pocket cost we were not planning for, so I want to ensure it is worth it.

Other thoughts on what these scores mean? This is our first experience with the WPPSI, so I am not sure what these scores mean.

Thanks in advance for your help!