Very strong verbal scores! I have this explanation of Matrix Reasoning from dd's report, "a nonverbal analogies test requiring attention to orientation, pattern, and other variables". SO, I guess similar to the typical patterns in IQ-like tests.
Our Dd, also tested at 4 (4.5) has a very similar profile. In her case, we are not sure whether the difference between performance and verbal means that her verbal skills far exceed her math abilities. THis could result in a lot of frustration to her. However, it can also mean that she still has to grow in her non-verbal abilities.
We are NOT, at the moment, worrying about her lower processing speed. Again, we think this is related to perfectionism on her side that lead her to not draw/write much before. A couple of months after her test, she has grown tremendously in that area. I guess I would just keep an eye on it.
Finally, on to the school, given that it is just one point, are they willing to make exceptions. HEr very strong verbal score might warrant it. Another way to go about this is to ask the tester to calculate the FSIQ w/o the processing speed. THis would be analogous to a GAI.
Instead of OT, I would work with her on fine motor skills and writing in a playful way. It is recommended to give the kids very small pencils, as this naturally encourages proper pencil grip.
Finally, with her qualifying VIQ, are you planning on applying to YSP when she is 5? Is your ODD a DYS?