Originally Posted by oopsydaisy
I'm a 35-year-old stay-at-home mother of three toddlers. I sought help when I realized I couldn't function enough to complete daily responsibilities like laundry, dishes, food shopping�I couldn't get us dressed and out to buy dinner, I didn't have the gas to drive to the store, I never deposited checks to have the money to get the gas to buy the food... and the list goes on.

First - being the mom of three toddlers is a very big job. Very big. I don't think it's 'odd' or 'bad' that you couldn't do it all yourself.

2nd - Were you good at these sorts of daily responsibilities 'BC' - before children? Were you bad, but 'good enough?'

3rd - How are things going now? Are you getting dressed? about to do your daily list? Getting the checks deposited?

4th - Was the possible diagnosis of Depression ever considered?

5th - do you like being a SAHM? Is having you in that role what is best for all concerned? I love when Moms are able to give that gift to their families, but hate when women do it because they feel it is 'imperative' or 'the only way to be a good mom.'

6th - Have you tried 'flylady.net' and 'housefairy.org?' If not, I would suggest that you start with flylady and do it as if your life depended on it in the hopes that you can dump the drugs soon - dulling the roar in your mind so you can accomplish things that don't matter just doesn't sound appealing to me.

7th - Have you tried Vyvance? If you haven't, and your insurance covers it (wicked expensive) and your doctor thinks it is a good idea, then you might want to consider one more round of tinkering (which I hate) I haven't taken it myself, but I've seen such an amazing difference in family members that I am impressed.

8th - I'm so glad you found us! Even Introverts need a place to belong and people who want to be around them and understand them. I wish I could give you this in real life, but I'm so grateful that we can provide this virtually.

Wow - you have been through a lot, and I know that you will have lots of wisdom and experience to share when your day comes.

Love and More Love,

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