Well, we met with the psych to go over all the test results. The IQ tests were basically what I reported earlier -- much lower than we would have thought they would ever be, but fairly even across the board. We did go over the specific questions he was asked and his responses to them, which were interesting in that he missed things that we know he has known for years. His WJ-III results, however, were actually pretty good. He scored 1.5-3 years above grade level in math and reading and even at college-level in story recall. His writing, which we know he struggles a bit with, was a bit below grade level.

In our conversation with the psych before and after the testing we kept coming back to our observations of his distractedness and his constantly "being in his head" (i.e., getting distracted by all his thinking) and suspect that he has ADHD-Inattentive type. This would help explain the IQ results as well as what we see on a daily basis. It's not a certain diagnosis, but is indicated strongly enough that we feel it is necessary to try a trial of meds. I know that's a controversial decision, but one that we have thought a lot about and researched and feel comfortable with at this point. Besides, it turns out that we have tried most of the non-medical interventions thus far. Obviously, I am hoping that this will make a difference and make things easier for him. We shall see.

For right now, we're just feeling a bit relieved to have a direction to explore. When we explained things to him, he seems to agree that this is an issue we need to be helping him with, and seems hopeful that this might help.

Thank you for all your support.

She thought she could, so she did.