Hugs MNmom!

I hate waiting. Remember that feeling like you have to 'prepare' yourself is a common giftie defense mechanism that has served all of us well at times. Remember that you are in charge of where you put your attention and you get to decide if this is one of those times in life where research is useful.

As for IQ results, it might help to think of them like a scale. Maybe I'm overweight, and I step on the scale for the first time in a few years, and I'm upset to see the numbers. I am upset, but actually weight hasn't changed. I'm the same person I was before I stepped on the scale. Or maybe the scale is broken in some way. Or maybe the cat jumped on behind me without my knowledge. Anyway I didn't get on the scale to feel badly, I got on to see if more knowledge could help me live my life better.

I'm guessing that if your son's FSIQ was 88, for real, you would have noticed by now. I'm assuming that the has some wild disparity of subtest strengths that are canceling each other out on paper, but not in daily life. I pray that your experienced psyc will help you find ways to strengthen DS11 strenghs and challenge areas. I have so often heard that Middle School is when the hidden disabilities start to become noticible - so his report card is especially good news!

Love and More Love,

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