Thank you everyone. I was out of town this past weekend at "The Happiest Place on Earth" and it helped (eventually) to get my mind off things a little bit. Still, my worry and confusion is always bubbling right at the surface. I couldn't figure out how his IQ was 3 SD below his sister's, and now I just can't figure out how his IQ dropped another 19 points. Could an undiagnosed LD over several years cause such a drop? BTW: He's always gotten As and Bs, albeit with a bit more work than usual. Funnily enough, my DS11 got his mid-term grade report on Friday (the day after I got his WISC results) he and got all As, including one A+ in reading comprehension,, except for a B+ in religion. So, I guess his life can't be completely doomed! smile Thank you again for the support. I'll update you next week when I get the specifics.

She thought she could, so she did.