matmum - "You say that being a good friend has not always been easy for your son. By that do you mean he has had difficulty making friends?"

I don't think he has a hard time making friends. I think he has a hard time being satisfied with the interactions. He does best in organized activites and one on one with well behaved children. He says he bugs kids but I'm not sure what he does.

Kids seem to like him. They are drawn to his ideas. Ex.s: He got kids together to write a story at recess. He made his own trading card and got kids to join in and do these too. There are lots of examples like this.

But in his head he feels a bit outside. He says kids don't get some stuff and don't stick with some activies like him. He is glad finally after 2 yrs at his school somebody in his class play chess. He feels lots of kids are mean. His feelings get hurt often. His feelings are bigger than normally expected. (We are working on this)He can be intense, very driven and forget about the others person's feelings.

On the playground he wants to join in the football game and is welcomed. It usually turns into dissappointment and he then leaves himself out. There are so many kids he doesn't know the teams. He doesn't get much ball time. The cheating bothers him too. Sometimes he just wanders by himself. He has tried bringing his won football but it still gets to be too much.

The neighbor kids come to get him to play and he asks what are they going to do and he decides if it's right for him or not. He does not like there roughness sometimes.

Kids seek him as the expert sometimes too. Ex. how to take care of pramantis found in yard. We have a book about backyard nature.

Sometimes he takes several weeks breaks from playing with the neighbors.

Last edited by onthegomom; 12/19/09 07:03 AM.