Originally Posted by Kriston
Do you know what kind of learning environment you are looking for? Highly academic? Very child-focused? Something in between? Something else?

I'm not sure I can answer this question properly. I don't know about different environments.

I would like him to be in a school where the kids enjoy being there.
He should be a teacher's dream student - interested, questioning, motivated, fast worker, creative and smart. He will probally need someone to help him slow down for accuracy.

I would like my son's education to feel like he is challenged and not constantly being asked to study what he knows already. Instead of being told to study everynight for the test he should study until he knows it and move on. I would like him to use his brain instead of just remembering anwsers and filling out worksheets. I would like an environment where trial and error could be apart of the learning process. I don't want the learning to be a high pressure situation. He should enjoy it. I don't want a lot of homework.

I like some of the Montessori ideas that develope the innerself to be one's best self, work hard, be kind and a good citizen. He certainly could thrive in a place that promoted him taking responsibility for his education. He is very self motivated with many interests. I would like him to be in a creative place. I would like more 3d in his learning world - like sculpture, diagraphs, microscopes, manipulative math, ect. I would like more freedom to talk, express ideas and more physical time. He needs work on his social. It seems like he has wonderful friend choices smart and athlectic.

I hope I don't sound bitter. I do think Our school is a caring environment. It just that they have limitations of time and money. And perhaps have not been exposed to a different way of thinking. I'm feeling blessed to know the difference. Even if I don't have all the anwsers.

Last edited by onthegomom; 12/18/09 09:09 AM.