Originally Posted by onthegomom
matmum - "You say that being a good friend has not always been easy for your son. By that do you mean he has had difficulty making friends?"

I don't think he has a hard time making friends. I think he has a hard time being satisfied with the interactions. He does best in organized activites and one on one with well behaved children. He says he bugs kids but I'm not sure what he does.

My son had major issues with cheating and other kids behaviours. As a result he also withdrew himself from games and at times preferred to work alone in class. It was a very frustrating time for him. He was also the same age as your son.

As Dottie stated so well, it is that "hard" to fit stage. I don't know if I could have done anything differently, and in our case things did eventually improve significantly. If I remember rightly he was about 11 or 12 when he emotionally matured or else something else caught up! either way the change was considerable.
I agree that probably a larger school will better fit the needs you are looking for. Greater numbers and diversity will hopefully find another with the right combination.

I also agree with eveything Kriston has to say (sorry I haven't worked out how to get more than one quote in without losing the post!)

Quality over Quantity