Trinity -

I wonder how many of us have the same story - or so similar. I guess that the 'good' part was that we hit bottom in kindergarten. The principal was very careful not to diagnose - but she told me stories about kids with Aspergers who were so much better off in a public school with special ed.

When the psych did the test - we were lucky. He hadn't dealt with kids like Snoopy before -but he did some reading before talking to us and gave us pretty good information or no information. Refused to label ADHD until we got an appropriate educational set up because - lo and behold - all home problems had started after the school year and there was a sharp difference between home scores and school scores on the behavior scale.

Anyway - We pulled him from school and homeschooled. I would give anything if we had pulled 3 months earlier. I kept fighting it out though - thinking somehow they would listen.

It took nearly a year for my son to recover from the experience and regain his trust of teachers - and himself. He had fully bought into the teacher's idea that there was something wrong with him.

He's doing fine and dandy now - although he still isn't being challenged and the school is making 'attention span' noises. (Different school.)

We are going to do a real consult with a gifted expert and find out just what it should take to meet his educational needs. I suspect that knowledge is power....

