I just got the results back from the WISC III and I am a bit frustrated with the person who did the test. The results were faxed to me & when I sent an e-mail asking for an explanantion, the response was that "he was in the highest category of intelligence for his age and they saw nothing to be concerned with" and "what more did I need to know"? Is there something out there that can help me decipher all the various numbers? Should I even be concerned? His teacher told me that she felt his scores would be a lot higher than they came back and she also asked about age equivalent. I did not see anything about age equivalent on the results. I have read a little about this test vs Stanford Binet. I am wondering if the teacher is referencing the Stanford? I am also wondering if I should have him tested with the S/B? I read that if they score 19 on 2 or more sub sets (he did

, they should be tested using the S/B. Any thoughts? Thank you,