Breakaway4, I'm sending in my letter of intent to the superintendent on Monday. Friday will be his last day of school.

As for your daughter, would she be happy if you homeschooled her after school or on weekends?? Maybe start out with her picking her favorite topic and expanding her knowledge on it. Letting her take the ball and run with it.

I'm caught in the middle with my DS8. He wants me to home school him, but he is doing great in public school. Plus, we are so much alike it could create conflict between us. I may wait with him till next year, but home school him on weekends for this year. I feel he will be happy with this arrangement. Fingers crossed.

Today I pick up a couple of workbooks for DS7. Just something to start with. I was shocked how much my confidence level went up by having academic materials in my hand. All the sudden I'm not as scared as I was before. I have direction!